A Bit About Me

I work doing mostly freelance writing for several magazine publications and have worked in the newspaper industry as well. Needless to say, if and when I do write on this site, it is purely for my own enjoyment, and to write something different than what I spend all day writing. I have done some fiction writing before, but mostly I write non-fiction articles professionally, so this site is a way for me to explore and develop my talents within the fictional realm.

If you ever have any suggestions, feel free to let me know, but like I said I do this for fun, not for profit, so I don’t take this writing as life and death, it’s just a great way to blow off some creative steam.

I still have a few ideas rolling around in my head for stories, and hopefully I’ll get around to them one of these days when my deadlines for my paid writing are a little more lax.

Feel free to drop me a line anytime!

In the free time I actually have for myself, I ride horse quite a bit, rodeo, play hockey and raise Corgis.


4 responses to “A Bit About Me

  1. I need to thank you so much for ths amazing book with Sookie and eEric, You are an amazing writer, I have not enjoyed a book like this in a real long time.

    But I really need to ask you something…..will you be writing a book with Sookie having the twins? I would love to see how Eric and Robert would be with the babys and all the possibiities of the powers the baby,s would have, do you remember how Tabitha drove her parents nuts in Bewitched?..lol

    Thanks so much for this wonderful escape you had given me!!

    • Thank you so much for reading. I’m glad you enjoyed the story.
      I do plan to write maybe one more chapter that’s brewing in my mind, but I don’t plan to continue the whole thing. I think I prefer to leave some of their future up to the reader’s imagination.

      Hopefully it won’t take me too long to get around to writing the chapter I’ve got somewhat planned, but I’m also working on some original fiction, so that’s taking some priority.

      Thanks again for reading,


  2. Enjoyed your little personal story paragraph & pictures. You’re a hockey player! That’s a tough game to play, so kudos to you for taking it on, and as goalie no less! You’ve earned my respect simply from there! My sister-in-law tried this for a short while in her very little spare time, and loved it! She’s a Mainer, so I think it’s mandatory there. LOL! I can also relate to the difficulties one experiences going from professional writing to fiction. For over 20 years I wrote treatment reports, intake evaluations, and more professional/business correspondence than I can possibly remember. Changing gears back to writing fiction is something I’ve not yet been able to conquer; instead I offer my skills in editing & proofing as well as writing book reviews. I may get there someday, not quite ready to throw in the towel! Nearly every author I’ve come across on the blogs “speaks” so highly of you & your talents, I knew I had to visit your site soon. I look forward to reading all of your work, especially your original fiction where I’ve discovered a writer’s true creative skills shine through! I’m off to peruse now, and know I won’t be disappointed!

    Warmest Regards,


    • Thanks for stopping by!

      I haven’t played hockey now the last few years, but it will always be near to my heart after playing all the way through college. I do miss it some. It’s certainly a tough sport.

      I’m flattered that anyone “speaks” highly of me. 🙂 There’s certainly a lot of good writers out there. I haven’t done anything in the SVM fandom in a long time, but it’s still fun to look back at that stuff and smile. Or cringe occasionally. 😉

      I don’t have anything original posted anymore. I’m still working on it though. I just took it down.

      Hope you’re enjoying my works! I’ve currently been writing in the fandom for the TV show Supernatural. And that’s been a blast.

      If you’re at all tempted, you should give writing a try. Actually doing it is the only way to improve. And you’d be surprised how quickly a little “practice” helps.

      Thanks for stopping!

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